#also not them talking about Europe like it's a country 💀
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years ago
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"I think I've been here before."
↳ requested by anonymous ♡ 
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mlmxreader · 2 months ago
It's like those who claim natives are the problem with hunting, fishing and all, the one using Himalayan salt because '' it's pretty ''....
I can't understand those people who claim to be respectful of life when they do that, I'm vegetarian and for most vegan I talked with it's '' not enough '' even when I explain that due to my health I can't go vegan, so little of them are understanding, and for the other they just think I'm gonna talk about it h24, some culture are vegetarian for centuries but it became a problem when rich people found it '' trendy '' and cool to do
I grew up poor, still am, and I never had to overconsumed this kind of products to have a good diet, but their white ass are doing '' good '' so that's okay if some people in other countries they can't even put on a map have awful work conditions and get sick because of it
Sorry kinda all over the place but I was pissed, also sorry for misspelled words and others, English not my first language
I hope you have a great day, bye :)
no, no, you're right, actually. I'm not gonna be super in detail w what I'm abt to say but that's bc I am a white man & my opinions aren't exactly needed and I also don't have the same experiences either so it's not for me to talk abt it !!
I mean, I'm vegetarian as well (can't stomach the thought of eating a living being + religion bc it's just easier to be veggie 💀) and most of the time when I've spoken to vegans it's always the same colonist rhetoric and the same RACIST rhetoric that boils down to "people outside of the imperial core don't deserve human rights" - and then there's the fact that they claim to "love" the environment, but their activism for it stops and starts at "meat is murder!" as opposed to trophy hunting, oil companies, desecration of indigenous lands (like w the oil pipelines!), introduction of invasive species both animal & plant (outdoor cats as an example), culling prey animals for both health related AND population related issues (ie culling deer bc there's no natural predators for them in order to maintain an ecosystem), genocides, climate change caused by capitalism, etc.
nah, it's the meat killing the planet. clearly. 😒
you're spot on w the trendy remark tbqh, bc isn't it funny that people like us (the working class) are ALWAYS demonised by them? esp when said working class are people of colour in countries where white supremacy is RAMPANT (like the UK) and classism makes even MORE space for that (I won't go into detail abt that bc I'm not a person of colour so it isn't my place to speak abt it as if it's my experience, but I WILL fuckin say that veganism DOES have roots in white supremacy in the imperial core and that vegans SHOULD be addressing that instead of, yk, calling people rapists for drinking milk). innit just a bit funny?
the issue w white vegans is that they refuse to address their OWN white supremacist ideology; they have absolutely no regard or decency for people of colour, esp the working class, and esp those in countries which are directly groomed, ganged up on, and exploited by the UK, USA, CND, AUS, etc. as specifics but Europe, North America (the entire continent), etc as a broad group.
I think @/oodhamboi put it best when they put out this tweet, tbh:
"[G/d] vegans who try to dress up their racism by pretending to care about animals yet say nothing about the conditions of Indigenous, Black & Brown people that have to be either displaced, forced into labor or demonized for your morality are irritating."
also, no need to apologise !!! I get riled up w the subject as well, so I get it <3 and no worries abt not being a first language English speaker, it's not a worry to me ! (it ain't my first or main either lmfao)
you, too!!! look after yourself and stay safe !!!
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evansbby · 1 year ago
I was there too with my older brothers and cousins, it warmed my heart seeing so many people in support of Palestine. I also saw a lot of Jews there and I think people forget that there’s a difference between a zionist and a Jew. As a Palestinian muslim woman myself I spoke to a few of them and they explained that they do not support the actions of Israel and that it’s against their religion. When I was younger I was always mad at the ‘jews’ for taking over my country and that I got called a terrorist and they didn’t when they clearly killed many innocent lives. I also tried to talk to Israeli people but when I told them everything Israel did to Palestine and how it was wrong they would call me antisemitic and get mad. I was like 16/17 when I finally realized that I should leave the faith of Palestine in Allahs hands and not get kind of mad when people tell me they’re jewish, because I always thought that automatically meant that they were zionists😭 I always felt this survivors guilt, I was born in Palestine but my parents moved us to London when I was 2, but I still have some family there and it’s awful for them. Like why do I get to live in a safe environment when they can’t? I’m 20 years old now and my cousin had it way harder growing up than I did, thankfully she also made it out, but I just feel bad when she talks about her childhood knowing that I didn’t have to worry if there would be Israeli soldiers outside on my streets. I’ve seen pictures of our neighborhood before it got destroyed and it was so beautiful, my grandma would tell me stories about how she and my grandpa would walk to the markets and now it’s all gone. Alhamdulillah they’re safe now.
I’m honestly so happy to see many people support Palestine, thank you to all who protested and constantly donate to help the people in Gaza🇵🇸🩷
Also so real for that Rishi Sunak comment because who told him to open his mouth😭😭😭 Every time I see him I get so mad omg💀
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me 🥺🙏🏼🇵🇸
Sooo many people from different religions are conditioned to hate other religions. I know so many people who were raised to hate Muslims, who were raised to hate Jewish people etc etc. It’s just up to us, as we grow up, to combat these views and stereotypes, speak to more people, understand situations and see that there is good and bad in every religion.
I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel, with Palestine being your homeland and yet you moved away so you are safe from the war and yet your people are suffering so much 🥺🥺🥺 It’s heartbreaking and I can’t even imagine, the fact you have family there as well, going through such atrocities.
I just watched a video on tiktok of a man from Palestine who said that a dog in Europe lives a better life than a Palestinian human being in Palestine. Because at his camp, they are waiting for water. A dog on Europe has access to water and the Palestinians do not because Israel cut access bc of course “they have the right to defend themselves!1!1” How a nuclear state cutting water and electricity access from innocent people is helping Israel defend itself, I won’t understand lmfao.
Honestly, this is at the end of the day not a war based on religion at all. No one cares what religion the Zionist alt right government of Israel are… we only care about the 28282992 war crimes they are committing as we speak.
But it’s still great to see Jewish people supporting the Palestinian cause—and the fact there is so many of them! ALSO a lot of Israeli people supporting Palestine shows that there is hope.
I hate Rishi Sunak. This man went to Israel and said “I hope you win” and “the uk stands with Israel” meanwhile there are protests pro Palestine protests here every other day.
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mchiti · 2 years ago
a few things:
thank you for the reassurance and perspective on the support hakim gets in morocco 😭 it made me happy and also it makes me happy to see him having a great time there right now
did you notice how the bulk of the players saudi have gone after are muslim...i don't know if i'm reading too much into this but i suspect that they are targeting these players and trying to shill the "we're a muslim country don't you want to play in a muslim country and help develop it blah blah" thing. Which, if true, makes me very annoyed because a lot of the things they do are very unislamic lol. like spending the first ten days of dhul-hijjah (literally the most sacred days in the entire year) doing shady deals with the shadiest club in the premier league
that racist white girl in footyblr who made the sabiri/ghazali post a while ago made another post basically saying that hell isn't hot enough for the players going to play in saudi because they are funding the yemeni war and famine 💀💀 i wish white people would stick to talking about what they understand
hii anon!! Ohh really, no need to thank me. ♡♡ You can't imagine after world cup 2018, I was in Fez/Tanja (Tangier) and then we went down to our usual trips as usual (Marrakech, Casa etc) and all I could see was his shirt everywhere. And my cousins were telling me all the time of the amount of craziness around him growing even more and more (also 2018 was our first world cup in 20 years can you imagine loool. And he played a big part in that qualification. Now we're here but look what we were even 5 years ago...and what we were when he joined back then...yeah anyway). Like, look at him now when Morocco train, he's always subjected to a lot of media attention etc. Moroccans love him, don't worry about a few of them on twitter. YEAH I love to see him there. I always think how he didn't get to go until he was in his teen years which is so so so sad, a lot of maghrebis can't afford trips to visit more often and it's heartbreaking.) ... to see him in Morocco is. Special. ♡♡ To see so many of them home!!!! Either Marrakech or around in their places of origin, I was watching Sabiri's latest ig stories and mashallah. It makes me so emotional. As if they kinda decided to be there at the same time. 😭I miss it so much i can't wait to be back inchallah.
I'll put the rest under shortcut
yeah the narrative of muslim players x a muslim country it does seem to me like being part of a developing plan. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Saudi will truly be competitive in a few years time, now we're joking about it but - it seems way different than MLS now or what China tried to do years ago. You know, I do have conflicting thoughts about it- bc on one hand I agree with you, it is upsetting given the high percentage of poverty in Saudi. A country with so much money and so much power in the hands of a few oligarchs... of course leaning on those players' religion seems like a big fallacy. But then again, you have the same oligarchs in the US, in England, in China, in Russia (and nobody gave a shit about it before the war) in the very heart of Europe... also billionaires, rich, powerful, investors in every major top league. And so you do wonder if somehow we're also being affected by the same double standards. When Arab people tell you: after everything Europe has done, it's our turn, why are we the only ones subjected to your moral standards? - When you put it that way, can you blame them? As a Muslim you get upset because again, I totally understand your feelings and they are also mine. But I also wonder about these stuff, you know
WHICH WELL I guess it also applies to this white girl on tumblr (not kidding I tried to find their blog bc I was so curious fodjsha) are we have to blame players for going Saudi? What about players who are paid by Saudis in Europe? Bohely's bought part of Strasbourg - what about players payed by americans in Europe? Arsenal is owned by an american who both financed trump and israel - are we have to blame arsenal players too? These double standards are just....unreal to me really. It's so easy to blame one part of the world and dismiss what happens in the heart of your own continent or your own part of the world. White privilege as its finest.
Players ain't to blame. You can question their decisions and whatever but they are just players in this system - lots of them grew up poor and weren't born into the massive privilege these multi billionaires were born into. And i'm sure they are gonna love putting all the blame to Muslim players for going Saudi - what can you do, shit white people do.
thank u for writing to me anon! sorry for the long reply ghgh
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mithliya · 2 years ago
I have a little bit of a weird question that I am currently struggling with. so I am north African and I used to be Muslim but I am not anymore. I like to talk abt arabization and I think that middle eastern countries need to reclaim their identities outside of being Arab/Muslim countries. So for example in Egypt, where I live, I am trying to learn the Coptic language and get more in touch with ancient Egyptian heritage. Being into that online has led me to stumble on Zion/ist ideas and my question is why shouldn't they also be allowed to get in touch with their culture. If the same rule I have with egypt applies to Palestine then Palestine is not Arab? I mean the ancient Canaanites existed long before both communities. Many of them also say that Palestine didn't exist before the 1940s. Sorry for rambling and feel free not to reply but I thought I would ask since you are also Mena and a lesbian and also very critical of Islam. How do you balance between wanting mena countries to be free from Islamic rule but also being pro Palestine?
ur right this is a weird question bc it seems that you’re entirely misguided. zionism is a movement that started in europe, by european jewish people. it was supported by western powers after WW2 bc they wanted to get rid of their jewish populations anyways and this was a great way of doing so: just throw them onto palestine! it is not a movement about getting in touch with one’s cultural roots. it’s about “taking back” the land of palestine and making it the homeland of jewish people worldwide. the issue with that is that, there are already people in palestine. and they aren’t invaders or something, palestinians have been shown to be the descendants of the native people of the land. they are literally native to the levant & studies have repeatedly shown this.
“palestine didn’t exist before the 1940s” anon… palestine did exist. they were just a colonial state 💀 their name was the british mandate for palestine from 1918 to 1948… before that, palestine was under ottoman rule for 400 years. they were constantly under occupation and this is no different, except this time their actual population is being replaced and kicked out of their country & their home.
u mentioning ancient canaanites is also confusing bc palestinians are. literally descendants of ancient canaanites.
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i genuinely don’t understand why u think being pro-palestine is somehow about islam when palestinians of all sorts of religions exist. i also don’t understand why you think supporting zionism is somehow fighting against arabisation???
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onlyjaeyun · 2 years ago
bruh the water that most americans drink is literally not even good like it lacks the minerals and all that SO idk what the fuck they are talking about and i swear i went on vacation cuz duh i love our continent and countries here are amazin so exploring is so fun but NOTHING was getting on my nerves than hearing americans bro they are so loud??? like what
also term european summer ?? bro u went to one country probably europe is a fucking contient with many diff cultures and all that .....
sorry but im a hater LMAO
EXACTLY 😭 like the way they make europe out to be some kind of jungle is so american of them like girly you can't drink your tap water and have a problem with us??? make it make sense smh and dont even get me started on their geography bc european summer like...what? it's like me saying im doing an asian summer!🤭🤭🤭 girl WHERE💀
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ilhoonftw · 2 years ago
when poliśh millenials speak english ... so many of them try to fake "native" accent while they use poliśh grammar, just with english words 😭 who are you trying to fool!
oh and there's a whole demographic of well-off poles who don't say they are poliśh. 'oh i'm european :)' that's some liberal bs like... do you "claim" the same western europe that is the prime source of polonophobią... american polonophobią and slurs have nothing on what people in germany go through
another thing is after ww2 połand wasn't in charge of it's own narrative (it was under u know who) so now you have a bunch of countries, including but not limited to gęrmany, ruśsia, isrąel, that successfully revised a looot of history. a lot of things you think are historical facts are lies 🤷‍♂️ or at best skewed to benefit one side and slander the other. kręsy anyone
also the wildest thing to me is when ruśsians online claim that połish people born on the land controlled by ruśsian empire in the 1700s-1900s were actually ruśsians 💀 even though it's a person that claimed to be poliśh all their life and the place they were born in/resided in was historically and culturally polish
i talk about this stuff bc all things considered it's a niche topic and i just have a looot to say
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their80smichelle · 4 days ago
wait but your English is perfect! please tell me more about the price of gnr tickets. I am saving money for it. then my tv subscriber added gnr concert from the ritz 1991 to my tv so I saw that. Is it still worth going to their show after seeing a concert film? last show I saw was Jonas Brothers and I paid about 600$ (Canadian dollars) for two tickets where the seats were beside the stage. thank you!
Thank you ahah I’m trying XD
Well I can tell you that for the upcoming tour I paid 200€ so around 300$Can. to see them in July ;-; I think it depends on the country cause I talked to a friend that lives somewhere else in Europe and he apparently paid around 110€, 165$Can., honestly I felt robbed AF check the price just in case so you don’t end up saving money for nothing cause it’s too expensive 😭
I also remember that from their last tour the tickets were NOT so expensive compared to this upcoming tour, in 2023 for Paris, it was around 130/150€, 195/225$Can. I guess :’) (feeling robbed part. 2)
I can’t tell if it’s still worth cause I never saw them but to me and I precise it’s my opinion cause Instagram tried to traumatise me for defending Axl, to me it’s still worth it. Of course I’m a big biiiiig fan but not only cause I love them, but also cause we’re still lucky that Guns N’ Roses is still around, touring, releasing new music and they are legends so even if Axl’s voice is not as it was back in the 80s -which is totally normal- to me it’s still worth it cause I love them and they’re legends and there’s this need to see your idols you know? :)
And watching concerts on TV and actually LIVING the concerts are two very different things, you don’t enjoy it as much when it’s on TV I think, they’re not in front of you.
Ever got that feeling when you’re at a concerts and you feel like they’re just playing for you ? Well TV doesn’t give all those great feelings ;)
I don’t know if it’s right but 600 Canadian dollars is around 400€ which means it was 200€ the ticket it’s hella expensive but since you mentioned being beside the stage I guess it was the “right” price for it.
Honestly? To me nowadays artists are just money grabbers most of the time💀 I went to see Elton John and it was 130€ a ticket so 195$Can.
I like to compare artists to see if it’s expensive or just nowadays prices and https://www.eventworld.co/paris/elton-john/ Elton John wasn’t THAT expensive…
It’s up to you to think if it’s expensive or not :) when I bought gnr ticket I was just hoping to see Steven so it would justify the price but Steven goes on a tour with his band (I really got robbed help)
I tried to convert the prices in $ so I hope the converter didn’t converted bullshit😭
No problem !! Sorry for the long read too bruh
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evilsaturn · 6 months ago
I’m the biggest cyber stalker in the world and don’t gaf so I frequently check up on people from my past. It’s so fun I completely embrace being nosy. I will forever gossip about everyone I’ve ever met in my entire life with my gf and no one can stop me.
With that being said, most of my ex-friends are still stuck in the same parasocial relationships with k-pop singers that we had in our teen years, but the obsession is so much more intense than ever. I didn’t think it would get so bad when we’re so grown now.. I’m so glad I got out when I did even though it was still late. You can’t tell me this shit isn’t a cult.
The Scorpio who would always imply women that like younger boys are pedophiles is now the women in question. 25, every idol she stans now is younger than her and one of them is even born in 2007. She collects k-pop merch big time now, throws celebration fan events for k-pop groups at cafés, and even lies about her age to her followers so they think she’s a year younger 😭 Genuinely have no clue what difference a year makes but LMAO? Lies about her race too, which is nuts because strangely enough she has a younger sister on stan twitter that just admits she’s white! This bitch pretends she’s Japanese!
The Aries is a full time k-pop TikToker. Kinda successful but she lives in the UK so I don’t even think she’s paid off it..? Stalking her is waaay less interesting though because she’s mega fake on all of her public accounts. Went from one of the most hateful stans you could meet in your life to someone so in love with k-pop you’d mistake her for a shameless Korean fetishist (maybe she is?). She loves every group and idol and goes sooo hard for her faves. Bragging about spending thousands on idols ($700+ on merch in a day… LMAO?), flying to Korea every year, stalking celebs and so much more omg. I’m 90% sure she’s a sociopath or narcissist, but at the same time I’m not sure if someone with those personality disorders could participate in so much celebrity worship? She’s super obsessed with western celebrities too. Her whole life is being a fan… also in her mid 20s. She used to talk about her parents being emotionally stunted or something so maybe she searches for the love she didn’t get from them in celebs, but fuck it’s intense. At the same time I know for a fact she talks crazy about her faves, she has to have an Aries Mercury or something because she just says fucking anything. An odd thing she would always do is stalk a celeb or do whatever she could to get an interaction from them, but then act like it was a burden to her or like she didn’t want it to happen. But yeah I think she has to have one of those personality disorders for sure because I don’t think a normal person is able to just exploit themselves like that in so many ways…or pretend to be someone else FOR FREE!? She also doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings (or when she does, there’s a rationale behind it that sounds out of touch) and she doesn’t care about what people say about her. I genuinely feel like if she read this she would feel nothing. Even if it came from her fave 💀
Lastly, the Aquarius. Sexually harassed and suicide baited her mutuals in the past (including minors) to now obsessing over Korean and Japanese guys all day and following them around the WORLD. Flights booked year round to countries all over Europe and Asia. Super sexual with all of her mutuals to the point she even has a nsfw warning about it in her carrd. But hey, at least she’s warning people now instead of just forcing herself onto them. She’s also mid 20s.
They all have this weird thing in common where they tweet “I work full time to fund my obsession with [insert group]” and it’s sooo strange to me. Thousands of dollars spent on someone else’s happiness, or to feel like they care about you. It’s like when dudes draining their pockets on AI chicks and catfishes on Facebook, not exactly like that but still like what the fuck?? How does this bring you happiness? I never spent nearly as much as them, but how the fuck did it bring me happiness? The shit is so fucking pitiful.
You can also tell they’re aging out reallll bad because one, the Scorpio is lying about her age 😭 but the big one is when you look at their mutuals and who they interact with it’s all people years younger. Their friends (and faves) just get younger and younger because that’s who the kpop audience is.
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liqsouls · 1 year ago
Swiftie from 🇺🇦 here 🫡. I'm her fan since Reputation. Well I'd say there are 2 key differences for us. It's "approachability" and who the hell is Taylor Swift in eyes of non-swifties here.
When I say approachability I mean that fans from UA and ig most of eastern Europe (till the Eras Tour) could dream about attending Taylor's concert only if we save a lot of money. But god bless The Eras Tour and the fact that I'm gonna attend show on Aug 3🙏. Also getting Taylor's merch it's kinda harder for us esp if it's some "exclusive" stuff like CD with polaroids cause a lot of merch simply not available for us from official stores lol. Also it hits different if we compare experience with our local artists. Cause i think we have like 1-2 artist here that can feel like "unreachable stars" for fans. But even tho if you really want you can meet them few times per year after concerts and even get a chance to work for them. As for the other artists you can literally meet them in your local park while they r walking their dog lmao. But it's just difference in how famous they r not some purely local thing ig. But sometimes it even benefits me, cause I'm studying PR and when i talk about Taylor during lessons my teachers are like 😲😲😲 that's a very interesting examples and information.
And about "who is Taylor Swift for non-swifties". You said "always knew of Taylor" and well people here just... don't. I mean if I ask generation of my parents and turn on smth like Shake it off 1/10 people maybe will recognize the sound. People of my age (18-22) maybe would recognize more of her songs but i doubt that they'd know who is singing or some info about her. Sometimes it's kinda💀. But it's my experience, maybe ppl even form my country have another story to tell.
Also I'd say there is a difference in experiencing fandom stuff and especially for baby-swifties who don't know English v good. I used to have very lame English when i started to listen to Tay. I mean i could understand some lyrics or easily find translation. But long-reads about fandom theories and stuff were some forbidden knowledge for me. So for me Taylor was kind of a motivation and reason why I started really learning eng lmao. Cause for example i guess i was swiftie for around a year when i met some swiftie with 5yr experience who told me about Karlie and i bet if i was more into all fandom theories and knew eng better at that time I'd realize that Reputation is about Karlie Kloss much earlier 😂
Oh and time difference hit me hard when Karlie attended the Eras Tour. I mean I was sleeping peacefully and my friend (who is even not "kaylor-believer" now) had to call me like 20 times at 5-6 a.m to wake me up and tell me that "KARLIE ATTENDING ERAS SHOW"😂
Also cause of some known events some of Taylor's song like evermore, great war, epiphany and even few lines from only the young hit different and has second personal meaning and actually helped to get through a lot of stuff mentally.
Whew, I wrote a lot. Hope it answers your question somehow. And sry for my still very-not-perfect-english😂
I’d love to hear from international friends on this:
What’s it like being a Taylor Swift fan in your country? How long have you been a fan? How is the experience different for you than supporting a local artist?
I wasn’t the giant fan I am now until Rep/Lover. But I’m in the US and always knew of Taylor. I understand why some fans here feel like they grew up with her. I was thinking about the international shows today and wondering how it is for you.
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pyaasa · 2 years ago
I feel like there is this weird desire to flatten history and make England the only bad guy ever. When no…Scotland and Wales were equally responsible for every single crime of the British empire (and I’m only willing to cut Wales a tiny bit of slack for being invaded and colonised themselves by England), all of Europe was was involved in colonising Africa and the americas and the trans-Altantic slave trade, and modern day colonialism is spearheaded by the US. I see this all the time when it comes to the topic of not just imperialism and Scottish independence, but also the EU and even fucking football racism. I feel like reaching thru my screen, grabbing people by the shoulders and shaking them and asking “why are you willing to whitewash how evil Europe is or Scotland’s role in the British empire? Just say ‘England bad’ you don’t have to pretend Germany and france and Italy are fucking progressive anti racist uptopias to make that point💀💀💀
Everyone telling me that this topic is complicated and I need to have more nuance when talking about colonialism seems to want to present a very flat and simplistic version instead where England is the only country that did bad things and everyone one else was poor innocent uwu babies like come on now 😭😭😭
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papirouge · 3 years ago
So roe is gone in the usa but it's still bad being a communist socialist for suggesting them to improve their healthcare to /actually/ focus on caring for pregnant women and their unborn babies lmao. Or My american cousin is like that. She complains about her healthcare being shitty but hates the idea of socialized system because "commies bad 💀". Or how she hates free school lunches for the kids but hates that she has to buy and "waste" money on food herself. Last time she blocked me for sending her a meme of that hot stalin pic you reblogged 😂
Also how are you feeling and doing! I hope you stay cool this summer! <3
Yeah this has to be the most confusing thing about the abortion discussion EVER.
When I talked with abortionists, I systemically brought up foreign countries that were doing better than the USA in delivery death and infancy mortality rates, and they literally acted like none of this could happen in the USA....as if.... actual countries with proper healthcare got them out of thin air lmao I'm literally from France, a country that has a History of workers fucking up of factories to get shit lmao. Results? 5 weeks paid leave, unemployment salary, universal healthcare (0,01% death in pregnancy rate), elders have one of the best living standards of Europe 👵👴
Like, they'll whine about Europe being too soCiAliSt (the way USAmericans seemingly conflate socialism, communism and globalism is genuinely confusing btw), but by doing this, they unconsciously admit that "socialism" is actually more efficient to build a compelling healthcare system lol
Even Poland, which is much poorer than the USA, does better on this aspect, so the narrative that building a better pregnancy healthcare requires a more solid economy is flawed. It's a political issue - not economical. Your cousin is a typical example of that. They'll value ideology (labelling anything not liberal enough) "communist", without pondering whether this "communist" model improved aspects of the life of citizens lol I think normal people wouldn't mind having a "Communist" healthcare system if it saves life 🥴
This hussle culture has to go. Money isn't real anyway. Rothschild isn't going to give you a cookie for being a loyal soldier of the big Capital fighting against the evil coMmies. We're all comrade in this inflation hellhole 🥴 lmao
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baekhvuns · 3 years ago
Good morning I woke up to new Hwa selfies on Twt and Universe spam I'm so happy he came back already. He's talking so much, about clothes and phones he had in school? And that they got confiscated, lmao. Sweet boy.
I hope he's feeling better cause yesterday I was ready to join Woo 🔪🔪🔪 when he said he'd bite those people and that Seonghwa is soft-hearted, my baby. ❤💔 People were mean because of the price of his robe, like?! Fuck off.
P.S. Bestie look at Hwa's photos on IG. 💀 I'll be passing out and possibly away.... what in the bad boy Hwa is this?!
SM can eat shit seriously, all the companies choosing so many US dates and completely ignoring other countries, yikes. And it's not like kpop isn't popular in other places as well, ugh. Shinee came to Europe some time ago and Taemin separately, but that's about it. 😐
It's exactly like pokemon cards or some other stuff I collected as a kid, some things never change lmao. I really didn't expect to be a kpop collector, but here I am, those little boys will be the death of me. I knew I was down bad when I moved Hwa and Felix to their own binders. 🥴 And let me tell you KQ is fucking crazy with the amount of POBs...
Personally I like Tomorrow, but I know some people take issue with the way they handle serious topics. On one hand I agree, but I also appreciate they show people's struggles, it's not that common in the kdrama world. The show is a strange mix of weird and funny moments and heavy shit. But I need more of LSH and the lady played by Kim Hee Sun, because 👀 rivals or even enemies to lovers... maybe? Also she's older than him, so I'm INTERESTED. But yeah there probably won't be any romance which is great, I'm just saying they have potential. - DV 💖
GOOD MORNING im abt to good night 😭😭😭
Good morning I woke up to new Hwa selfies on Twt and Universe spam I'm so happy he came back already. He's talking so much, about clothes and phones he had in school? And that they got confiscated, lmao. Sweet boy.
BDMWHDKW HIS SELFIES I SWEAR I WAS FBWNDHWJ SHAKING FFB,, HES TALKING SO MUCH AND I LOVE it 😭😭😭 omg did u see where he said this *picture* hwa femboy confirmed and i could not love him more 😭😭😭
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“please tell me you know.” boy i fr do
I hope he's feeling better cause yesterday I was ready to join Woo 🔪🔪🔪 when he said he'd bite those people and that Seonghwa is soft-hearted, my baby. ❤💔 People were mean because of the price of his robe, like?! Fuck off.
NAHHHHH LITERALLY HWA PROTECTION SQUAD IMMEDIATELY,, god rly said imma make seonghwa the cutest thing alive and he’s no lying 😭😭 no bc if u find it expensive??? don’t buy it bro??? 😭😭 it’s a choice 😭😭😭
P.S. Bestie look at Hwa's photos on IG. 💀 I'll be passing out and possibly away.... what in the bad boy Hwa is this?!
w-why would do that to me rn, i just saw why, what good do u get from this- BADBOY HWA?;’whwhmdwhkfwhk DV ANON COME OUTSIDE NO ONES GONNA JUMP U 😭😭😭😭
SM can eat shit seriously, all the companies choosing so many US dates and completely ignoring other countries, yikes. And it's not like kpop isn't popular in other places as well, ugh. Shinee came to Europe some time ago and Taemin separately, but that's about it. 😐
LITERALLY !!!!!! atp success for them is america nothing else when ppl outside of america have helped make way for idols the most,, if not for them kpop wouldn’t be no where tbh,,, MAN I THINK kpop groups came to europe a lot in like the years 2013-2016 after that like bare minimum appearances??? i was surprised sm sent dream and kai
It's exactly like pokemon cards or some other stuff I collected as a kid, some things never change lmao. I really didn't expect to be a kpop collector, but here I am, those little boys will be the death of me. I knew I was down bad when I moved Hwa and Felix to their own binders. 🥴 And let me tell you KQ is fucking crazy with the amount of POBs...
BDMWDBMW FRR omg how many albums do u own?? or like how many pc’s?? FBWNDBWM THEIR OWN BINDERS PLSSSSSS DOWN BAD BAD 😭😭😭 kq said i will take ur entire bank and ur family’s with these pob’s
Personally I like Tomorrow, but I know some people take issue with the way they handle serious topics. On one hand I agree, but I also appreciate they show people's struggles, it's not that common in the kdrama world. The show is a strange mix of weird and funny moments and heavy shit. But I need more of LSH and the lady played by Kim Hee Sun, because 👀 rivals or even enemies to lovers... maybe? Also she's older than him, so I'm INTERESTED. But yeah there probably won't be any romance which is great, I'm just saying they have potential. - DV 💖
ABBHHH i love it when they show something unique bc u know kr ppl abt to be pressed dbdbdb ETL IM HEARING 👁👄👁 FBWNDHEJ the mix of grim reapers and deep topics = a good writer
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